Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Keep Healthy With Vitamin C

Welcome to Prevention week. As many are worried about getting sick or catching the dreaded Swine Flu I am going to offer a tip each day this week about how to stay well.

Every day with my breakfast, I like to have a glass of (not from concentrate) grapefruit juice. Not only does my glass of juice wake me up with its slightly bitter taste, but it gives me a dose of vitamin C. I'm sure that you heard or seen the commercials for Emergen-C, and heard about how vitamin C will help to keep you from getting sick. A study done in 2007 showed that people who get their daily recommendation of vitamin C would be sick for shorter duration of time than would people who didn't.

Although there is not a lot of proof that vitamin C will help with the common cold, it is an important antioxidant that helps keep your body strong and healthy. It helps to iron to be absorbed by the body, as well as forming collagen. Vitamin C helps to reduce and protect against free radical damage in your body. Research also shows that vitamin C is involved in the metabolizing of cholesterol, which can help prevent gallstones and high blood cholesterol levels!

Where's Vitamin C Hiding?
*Oranges*Orange Juice*Grapefruit*Grapefruit Juice*Strawberries*Tomatoes*Sweet Red Bell Peppers*Broccoli*Potatoes*Garlic*Apricots*Carrots*Blueberries*Onions*Raw Green Beans*Cranberries * Summer Squash *Watermelon *Pineapple *Celery * Asparagus* Spinach* Kiwi*Cantaloupe*Romaine Lettuce* Kale*Brussel Sprouts*Papaya* Parsley* Lemon Juice*
Just to name a few

Depending on your age and circumstance there is an average amount of recommended vitamin C you should be getting. Take a look at this chart to see what your vitamin C intake should be.

0- 6 mo: 40 mg M 9-13 yr: 45 mg F 9-13 yr: 45 mg Pregnant 18 yr 80 mg
6-12 mo: 50 mg M 14-18 yr: 75 mg F 14-18 yr: 65 mg Pregnant 19 yr+ 85mg
1-3 yr: 15 mg M 19 yr+: 90 mg F 19 yr+: 75mg Breastfeeding 18 yr 115 mg

4-8 yr: 25 mg Breastfeeding 19 yr+ 120 mg

Thanks,Peace and Wellness,

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