Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Make new friends but keep the old. One is silver the other gold.

I recently noticed that I have a few more followers, so this is for all of you.

To all my newest followers, thank you. I appreciate your willingness to give my blog a read every now and again. I hope that you like enjoy.

To my loyal friends who have followed me from the beginning- thank you. Your following means a lot to me. I was beyond tickled the other day when I saw Kimberly commented on my hot chocolate recipe. It is wonderful to feel like the little things making my life a bit better are helping in yours too. : )

Thank you to everyone. I appreciate your following more than you know. You all give me a reason to find some good in the little things each day. Please continue commenting and always feel free to share.

Many thanks,
:) Eliza :)

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