Thursday, October 1, 2009

Groove to your Favorite Jam

My apologies for not getting this on here last night, my Internet went out, never the less I have a sing song suggestion for improving your day.

Yes sir, you guessed it. Put on your favorite upbeat song and listen to it. I was doing some work last night with the radio on, and this upbeat song by Dolly Parton (she seems to pop up a lot here, and I have no idea why) came on. I just wanted to get up and dance. The beat was so positive and happy, it changed my attitude and I was able to quickly finish my work.

Whatever your favorite song is, put that CD on or turn your mp3 player on and jam for 3 or 4 minutes. You will be amazed at how a song can change your mood. What are your favorite upbeat songs?

1 comment:

  1. Baby Got helps to get the MBA papers done..
